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33 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi. I read your Family of Lies book and I just wanted to say that it was amazing and incredible and is now one of my all-time favourites. You are an amazing and talented writer. Please marry me.

  2. I just wanted to tell you your writing is amazing. I loved to Orwell family. I hope we get see all of their stories at some point especially Alice and Mernon. I didn’t really like her at first but then in the ending of Sebastion’s story we learn a little more about her and I fell in love.

  3. Hi, I read Family of Lies and Witches For Hire and loved both of them! The humor in each of the books was amazing.
    I have a question about Sebastian though, how powerful is he in magical ability and how are his fighting skills compared to the rest if his family?

    • Without the Heart of Light, Sebastian is as powerful as Richard, and with it he’s more powerful than Queen Anne. He’s been kind of lazy when it comes to mastering his magic because it wasn’t needed to accomplish what he wants, but that does change now that he’s married to Turren and worries about threats to the royal family.

      When it comes to fighting abilities, Sebastian is ranked last in the Orwell family for hand-to-hand combat, but he’s more towards the middle for handling bladed weapons. Unfortunately for Sebastian, no matter how much he trains in these two areas, his parents and siblings are way too competitive to ever let him surpass them.

      • Thank you for the reply. But I do have another question about Sebastion’s abilities. Just one more! (Sorry😁)
        When reading the book I got the feeling that each Orwell has an ability or skill that helps separates them, is Sebastian’s skill cunning and cleverness?

      • I don’t mind at all. A handful of the Orwells have these traits, but Sebastian has an advantage over them because of his patience to think ahead. He’s also been affected by his family disregarding consequences so many times that he despises not thinking through decisions or plans.

  4. Hi are planning any further books with Sebastian and Turren as the lead characters? I enjoyed Witches For Hire, is that a possible new series as well?

  5. So excited to hear we’ll get more Sebastian and Turren along with more in the Witches For Hire series! Those are two of my most frequent re-reads. Yay!

  6. Good afternoon, do you have a Facebook page? Recently,I’ve joined a couple of book groups, and they’re just so much fun getting to know people who read the same material and keeping up with the author. And I’m very happy that Sebastian and Turren, will be coming back, I just love the idea of reading about Sebastian using the Heart of Light, and will the fae ever play a big part in the storyline?

    • The fae will definitely play a big part in one of the siblings’ stories and in Sebastian’s sequel. Facebook is kind of too much for me which is why I stick with Twitter and WordPress. I’ll begin posting regularly on those two sites again starting this weekend since there’s actually stuff to update.

  7. Hello Sam , you are now one of my favourite authors ! I bought Sebastian about a month ago , read it in a day and got the audio book the next day. I am so happy to hear about a new book and am sorry about your recent losses . I wish you and your family well . I did have about 3 questions .

    1. Do you think we might get the story of Sebastian from Turren’s point of view .( I would have loved to know what happened between rescuing Sebastian and and the wedding. It would be great to read what happened on the way back to larnlyon or when Earl Grenwish found out about the wedding .)

    2. About how many books will be in this series.

    3. Will there be a Audible for book 2.

    • Thank you very much for that honor. My family is doing very well right now. I think we’re kind of used to grief.

      1. When I’ve gotten a few siblings’ stories out, I might work on snippets of scenes that happened during that time. There are very big consequences after it’s revealed Sebastian has the Heart of Light, so there isn’t really a place for that in book 2.

      2. I haven’t decided on a number yet, but each sibling will have their own book.

      3. That will probably depend on sales.

  8. I just finished Sebastian, but I am reluctant to buy from DSP given the large amounts owed to other people. I want to buy your other Kindle book.Can I get your books elsewhere. Should I hold off buying until Dreamspinner pays all its authors?

    • DSP gets their cut no matter where you buy it from. Due to uncertainty of how this situation ends up, I’m sitting back and watching for now. If you want my books while they’re available, I suggest you get them.

  9. As one person suffering from a painful chronic condition to another, I first read Sebastian when it came out and I’m just relieved to hear there will be more in the series. I don’t care how long it takes or what publisher you’re with or even if you self-publish (actually I like the idea of you getting all or most of the dollars), the battle is exhausting and even on the best of days there are limitations to what you can do that others don’t face, believe me I know.
    Whatever way things turn out for you and however you decide to go forwards, thank you for Sebastian in which I saw a character (personality wise, at least) I could relate to, it was a joy to read about a cranky MC trying to hide away from the world, can very much relate!
    Thank you and i wish you all the best in the battles you face on a daily basis and those attacks which come out of the blue like a sandbag to the back of the head 😥

  10. Hey
    I want to thank you for tow amazing books!! I love them both so much
    Will there be a witches for hire audiobook? That would be awesome. ( I also can’t find it as a ebook…I would love to read it again)
    Thank you so much

    • Both Family of Lies and Witches For Hire are no longer with Dreamspinner. I’m currently working on sequels in both series but still haven’t decided if they’ll be traditionally published or self-published. So future audiobooks will depend on sales at a new publisher or if I can gather the resources to do it myself.

  11. Hey I totally love your work!!!
    I just wanted to ask where I can find witches for hire… Amazon doesn’t have it anymore
    Thank you so much

  12. Apologies ahead of time f you answered this and I missed it. I can only locate “ Sebastian “ in French or on Audible. I don’t read French well and I fall asleep when people read to me ( or give lectures/ speeches). Is this available in eBook or even printed in English?

  13. Hi, my english not is the best so I apologize beforehand. I only want say that you write amazing. I only read Family of Lies: Sebastian but it was a fantastic book and I read it in thousands moments. I hope that you will be better, I am a person who gets sick a lot and is horrible, so I wish the best. I appreciate you really much.

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